Friday, 12 March 2010

What My Site Will Do


The appearance of my site will be quite basic, I have decided to do it basic because I am doing it around cancer which is a very emotive subject so I don’t want a really loud website because I don’t want to cause any offence to anyone. I am using a soft blue colour scheme so it isn’t to in your face. But I am going to put quite an in your face donate button on each page of the website because we want to get people to donate money. I plan to have large variety of pictures on my website. I also plan to have a couple of audio videos.


Once I have finished my website it should be fully functional. By this I mean all the links should work, all the audio and videos should work and the site. The site needs to be fully functioning because if it wasn’t people are going to donate money because they would think if this was a proper website it wouldn’t be not working so the might be very cautious to donate as they don’t trust the website.

What My Site Will Do


The appearance of my site will be quite basic, I have decided to do it basic because I am doing it around cancer which is a very emotive subject so I don’t want a really loud website because I don’t want to cause any offence to anyone. I am using a soft blue colour scheme so it isn’t to in your face. But I am going to put quite an in your face donate button on each page of the website because we want to get people to donate money. I plan to have large variety of pictures on my website. I also plan to have a couple of audio videos.


Once I have finished my website it should be fully functional. By this I mean all the links should work, all the audio and videos should work and the site. The site needs to be fully functioning because if it wasn’t people are going to donate money because they would think if this was a proper website it wouldn’t be not working so the might be very cautious to donate as they don’t trust the website.


1. From my research I found out some conventions of a website. One of the main conventions of a website was the layout the majority of the websites used a three column layout. I didn’t use this convention on my website as I thought it was to basic and I thought that I could have a layout that was just as efficient as the three column design is. I have made a layout that appeals to my audience because the audience are going to be cancer patients so the don’t want anything depressing they just want it to be straight forward. I also found out through my research that most websites have a header bar at the top with a logo inside of the header bar. I also used this convention on my website. I used this convention because I thought it was the best way for them to recognize the logo with the name being in the same bar. So when ever they see that logo they are more likely to remember who’s logo it is. Another reason I thought it was good to have the header bar at the top with a logo is that it is like the first thing you see because it is quite bold.

The links across the top and down the left hand side

Three Column Design

I found many different conventions from my website research, I have used some of the conventions and challenged others. For example one of the conventions I noticed a lot of the websites used was putting the links along the left hand side of the page and also along the top just underneath the header bar. I challenged this convention by not putting the links underneath the header bar I only put them down the left hand side instead of along the top as well.

Header bar with logo

The links along the side and not along the top

2. I done a survey in which I got 30 replies from. From my survey I found out that cancer affects everyone there isn’t a certain age group it doesn’t affect. It also hasn’t really got and specific gender that it affects. There is a very wide range of people cancer affects. Pretty much everyone who replied has some how been affected by cancer in some way or another. They might know someone who has it, someone who did have it, or someone who has passed away from it.

I think my site reflects that there isn’t any specific age or gender as the style isn’t childish but isn’t very grown up it is basic and straightforward. From my research I also found out that a lot of the people who will be visiting my site will be either cancer patients or people who have suffered from cancer or family members of cancer patients. I have reflected this in my site with the nice simple happy colours they needed to be happy because the people who are visiting my site are people who have been involved with cancer somehow so I needed my site colours to be happy as cancer is a very unhappy and depressing thing to get or have. So it cant be unhappy and depressing as it will depress them more and therefore more unlikely to donate money. My audience is a very wide range because nearly everyone has known someone who has had cancer and they also know the stresses it puts the family under.

3. I am going to discuss the difficulties and differences between a website campaign, radio programme or film. One of the differences is that you get a much more visual experience (doesn’t apply to the film). Also on a radio programme or film you can only fit in a certain amount of information as you have a certain period of time, but on a website you can put as much information as you want on there because there is no time limit on it.

I did a bit of research on how to design a website. I found out many different basic conventions to how to design a good website. The most useful piece of research I done was the survey because these made my target audience more categorized so I could base how to design my website around that. From the answers I got from this I realised who my main target audience were and based my website design on that as obviously you make your website to fit your target audience otherwise its not going to appeal to them and they aren’t going to look at it.

4. The audience for my website are people who might have had cancer, might be in a family of someone suffering from cancer or known someone who might have passed away due to cancer. I have an extremely large audience as cancer affects everyone even if not everyone gets it, pretty every survey that I received back implied that they knew someone who had cancer or has had cancer. So people who might not have even had cancer are still usually very willing to donate. But the main people who donate are people who have been involved around cancer for example they have had it themselves or they mum, dad, brother, sister or child has had it or another member of the family. These people are more willing to donate a sufficient amount of money as they know the stresses and heartbreaks or cancer. I have tried to make my website most applying to the people who fit into my target audience. Which I found out through my research was family members who are middle aged and both female and male. This is why I have tried to create a website appealing to both sexes and a range of ages. I have tried not to favour any age group or gender.

5. I have attracted that audience by using formal language without it sounding sarcastic or rude. It needed to be formal as cancer is a very serious thing and you can’t like make it sound jokey and silly as it is extremely personal. Cancer is very emotional thing to have and very emotional to be around and involved in. This is what I based my colour choice on as I know how emotional cancer is so I chose bright happy colours to true and make the website as nice as possible. I also didn’t choose the colours to suit a certain gender either I have got what I would describe as male and female colours in use on my website. The font I have used isn’t to formal but isn’t like a childish font as I want the people who visit my website to think we are a good cause and donate. I think all of the audience who has visited my website have responded well to my website and have had good comments on it.

6. The main things I learnt from the experience of making a website is the amount of planning there is to do before you actually make the website. Also the experience of using many different programmes on computers. Some of the programmes I had never used before and the ones I had I now know a lot more about and feel more confident using them. I also now know a lot more about getting a website actually up and running on the world wide web (WWW).

7. I have learnt a large variety of new things and techniques when I was set this task of making a website. I mainly got used to the Apple Mac computers as I wasn’t familiar with these. Once I was familiar with the computers I learnt many different ways and techniques on how to use IWeb and Photoshop on how to edit images and create a website. These will come in very handy when I need to use them again.


For this piece of my coursework I am going to make a charity website. The main objective of this charity website is to make it look persuasive and make people want to donate to help the charity. The charity I have chosen is a Cancer Trust. I chose Cancer Trust because it means something to me as I know people who have got cancer, had cancer, and passed away through cancer. I think Cancer Trust is a very good charity as it supports people with cancer and the families struggling to cope with people who have cancer. It also is researching in ways to try and stop cancer and help people who have cancer and finding new treatments. I also wanted to do a Cancer website because the people who usually get cancer are just unfortunate, I know people who have never smoked and been very healthy people and they have got cancer. Cancer is a very horrible thing to have and I personally know the stresses the families go through when suffering because of cancer. That is the main reason why I chose to do cancer because it is close to me.

Assessing Your Potential Audience

The potential audience for my website is people who have been affected by cancer, either having it themselves or knowing someone who has it, the families of people having lost a friend/family member and people who have survived their fight against cancer. These people will have an insight into what it is like to have cancer and know how important it is to have professional care in their homes. They will want to help try and support families who have got a sick person at home. The other people who are in my target audience are just the general public who want to help other victims get through cancer and support their families.


I am going to make a school website that will link to my own schools media department. On my site I would like there to be all necessary links and information that are easily accessible. I am going to use the three column design as I found this the most commonly used design from my research. The website aims to inform parents, students, teachers and all other people who are interested in all aspects of the school. I will put all the links down the left hand column. The middle column will have general details about the school and personal views from the head teacher and what he is trying to achieve throughout the school. On the website I plan to have a large number of photographs and images of the school, students and there achievements. On the last column on the right hand side of the web page it will be a column full of news and the latest events and things happening around the school e.g holidays, drama/theatre events, school trips, sporting events and charity fundraisers the school is involved in. I want my website to look professional, modern. I also want my site to look organised and well thought out. My website will be fully functional and hopefully very sophisticated. I want my website to be easily understandable and accessible for everyone so they can find out whatever information is necessary.

Assess Your Potential Audience

The audience for my school website are going to be children and parents. I know this because there will be updates and news on my website that the children and parents might be interested in. Also there will be parents and children looking at my website to see what the schools like because there son/daughter wants to go there or to see what the schools reputation is like. The pupils of the school are also my audience because they might want to see what sporting events are going or what after school clubs there are if they were interested in any clubs or sporting events.